Reasons to run again

It's been a long time since I did any running for the purposes of racing or getting in any serious shape. Over the last two years in particular I lost motivation due to an extremely stressful period in my life and this severely impacted my physical health. I had no motivation to venture out or run, I gained a lot of weight, and when I did run it just didn't feel fun anymore. I was too heavy, it hurt and my pace was more of a crawl compared to when I was fit. I have started running again with the aim of maybe one day doing a race again. I have been through a very horrific time (someone else described it as 'horrific' but that's one way of putting it) and can't go into details at present. How long it will take me to get fit is a question of whether I can keep some enthusiasm to try and run 'properly' again. There are a few reasons why I have started running again, even though it sometimes seems like the most stupid thing to do at 46 with more weight to carry and my best running times behind me:

1. It will help me lose weight

2. I will get some satisfaction from starting again and seeing improvement

3. It may help motivate my daughters to keep going at sport

4. I still dream of running another marathon

5. I did a 5k in under 20mins (19.58) off no training in months, so still have something that I can build from.

There are plenty more reasons but these were the main ones I could think of. I actually did a 10 mile run today, in freezing weather. It was over 2mins a mile slower than my best, but I did it. The difficult thing is comparing old times to the present and feeling defeated, but it's a start. 

I'll keep going. Next stop is 5k under 19mins this summer hopefully and will keep going with getting out when I feel I can.


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