First Post

I've decided to join the blogging world, along with many runners who have blogs and share their training, ideas and opinions. I find these blogs entertaining as many runners share their own unique experiences of running with passion and enthusiasm for sporting purity. I was initially struggling to find a title for my blog and then decided that since it's about me, it may as well explain my running in very simple terms. In a literal sense, I'm a tubthumper. Tubthumping is defined as 'exhibiting extreme tenacity, beyond one's normal stamina' or to quote a line from Chumbawumba's classic hit 'I get knocked down, but I get up again and you're never gonna keep me down'. I've been extremely unfortunate to have suffered some awful injuries - ankle ligament rupture during a marathon (which I finished - I was making my England marathon debut), inguinal hernia, chronic hamstring tendononopathy and several sciatica flare ups which limit my stride and create an awkward stride pattern. I have soldiered on and kept running. Recently I ran a qualifying time for the London Marathon and now have a championship entry. I've been in pain on and off for 18 months and there have been times when I was ready to quit. Coming in after a hard day at work and then getting prepared to train was getting harder. However, I've recently been able to string some training together and last night I was sat on the sofa when I said to my long suffering wife, Tracy, 'I think I'm actually pain free. All the aches are not there anymore'. I can't say I miss them but the constant throbbing had become that...a constant...something I accepted. I've completed a few decent long runs to start my London build up and have introduced speedwork with some initial fartleks. I attach a screenshot of heart rates etc. below. It was basically a session of 8 x 2mins and 8 x 1min with 1 min easy jog recover. This was completed after work in the dark, on my own, on dark roads. The reason for my blog is to motivate me, others and give some insight into my running. I do hope you post/comment and I will value any contributions you have. The next few months are positive: I start a new job in January and will look forward to a decent London build-up. I must leave on that note with a link to that song as I'm off to watch the Limmy Show and have a well earned cup of tea. If anyone lives in Doncaster/Mexborough and wants to train please message me and I can explain training times/paces etc. Company is always welcome, especially on long runs. Any comments post below.


  1. Look forward to following your run blog Tub Thumper! Susan

    1. Thanks Susan. I'll try and do a weekly update.


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